How to implement get_object for a container inside of a list

As a variation to, following is the modified YANG model:

container arpentries {
  config false;
  tailf:callpoint arpe;
  list arpe {
    key "ip ifname";
    max-elements 1024;
    leaf ip {
      type inet:ip-address;
    leaf ifname {
      type string;
    container stat {
      leaf hwaddr {
        type string;
        mandatory true;
      leaf permanent {
        type boolean;
        mandatory true;
      leaf published {
        type boolean;
        mandatory true;

The get_object( ) implementation will look like the following:

static int get_object(struct confd_trans_ctx *tctx,
                      confd_hkeypath_t *keypath)
    confd_value_t v[6];

    struct aentry *ae = find_ae(keypath, tctx->t_opaque, 0);
    if (ae == NULL) {
        return CONFD_OK;

    CONFD_SET_IPV4(&v[0], ae->ip4);
    CONFD_SET_STR(&v[1], ae->iface);

    CONFD_SET_XMLTAG(&v[2], arpe_stat, arpe__ns);

    if (ae->hwaddr == NULL) {
    } else {
        CONFD_SET_STR(&v[3], ae->hwaddr);
    CONFD_SET_BOOL(&v[4], ae->perm);
    CONFD_SET_BOOL(&v[5], ae->pub);

    confd_data_reply_value_array(tctx, v, 6);

    return CONFD_OK;

From the above code, you will notice that the XMLTAG element of the data_reply_value_array should be set to the name of the internal container. Refer to the description for confd_data_reply_value_array( ) in the confd_lib_dp section in Volume 3 of the ConfD man-pages for more information on how to work with containers within an object.

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