Confd_cmd examples with composite key


I’ve yang model defined with list of params and key is a combination of 2 properties, category, property. Could you please let me know how to use confd_cmd to set value


grouping global_params {
    container parameters {
      list parameter {
        key "category property";
        leaf category {          
          type string;
          mandatory true;
        leaf property {          
          type string;
          mandatory true;
        leaf value {         
         type string;
         mandatory true;

Tried this command, but didn’t work.

/opt/confd/bin/confd_cmd -o -c "create /parameters/parameter{CAT1 PROP1}/value{true}"

Since you have added the -o argument, I assume you have an operational container. The correct usage of confd_cmd for your use case is as follows:

confd_cmd -o -c ‘create “/parameters/parameter{CAT1 PROP1}”; set “/parameters/parameter{CAT1 PROP1}/value” true’

Thank you for your reply.
To set config data, what is the command for the same yang model.

I figured it out and able to set config successfully.
Thank you for your help.