January 22, 2016, 12:36pm
> configure
Entering configuration mode private
% run show all
I recommend you take a look at the ConfD example $CONFD_DIR/examples.confd/intro/9-c_threads
which show you an example of how to use threads in C for a data provider.
In addition to the 5-c_stats example these previous posts can be useful to speed up your data provider:
In order to improve the performance of the data provider API callbacks, for both external configuration as well as operational data, when dealing with lists with many leaf elements in them, it is recommended to provide the implementation of the get_object() API. This will reduce the number of round trip calls from the ConfD daemon process for retrieving the leaf elements of each instance in your list as they will all be fetched with a single API call as opposed to via multiple get_elem() calls. …
EDIT 2021 - an updated data provider performance demo is available here:
As this post explains for the get_object() callback:
In order to improve the performance of the data provider API callbacks, for both external configuration as well as operational data, when dealing with lists with many leaf elements in them, it is recommended to provide the implementation of the get_object() API. This will reduce the number of round trip calls from the ConfD daemon process for retrieving the leaf ele…
EDIT 2021 - an updated data provider performance demo is available here:
Implementing the find_next_object() callback can be a significant optimization for large lists in cases where a northbound agent, e.g. over NETCONF, requests a specific part of the list. Similar to the get_next_object() that we saw in action in this post , the find_next_object() callback combines find_next() and get_object() into a single callback and optimizes cases where ConfD wants to start a list traversal at some ot…