June 12, 2018, 11:01am
The status statement is not included in the schema information.
But as I mentioned in the reply you can add it using tailf:meta-data and tailf:meta-value statements.
See these topics for inspiration:
Hi Peter!
The range statement is not included in the schema information. If you want that information in the schema information you can for example use the tailf:meta-data extension to provide key+value information for the node in the schema.
I put together a small tailf:meta-data + tailf:meta-value + cdb_get_modifications() example that add an annotated yang model with the tailf:meta-data key+value statements, see my-yang-ann.yang, and a subscriber, see sub.c. When a subscription event occur,…
Consider a custom northbound interface invoking maapi_request_action APIs (no CLI in this use case), and a backend that processes the action requests via action callback. How does the northbound interface (written using maapi APIs) issue the confirmation?
The typedef information is not included in the schema information. But you can use the tailf:meta-data extension to for example do something like this (using the 1-2-3-start-query-model example):
container dhcp {
typedef loglevel {
type enumeration {
enum kern;
enum mail;
enum local7;
leaf logFacility {
tailf:meta-data "typedef loglevel" {
tailf:meta-value "type enumeration";
type loglevel;
default local…