What does "/confdConfig/netconf/rpcErrors" mean in confd.conf?

/confdConfig/netconf/rpcErrors (close|inline) [close]
If rpcErrors is “inline”, and an error occurs during the processing of a or request
when ConfD tries to fetch some data from a data provider, ConfD will generate an rpc-error element
in the faulty element, and continue to process the next element.
If an error occurs and rpcErrors is “close”, the NETCONF transport is closed by ConfD.

Above is the description in confd user guide. Now I would like to set the rpcErrors “inline”,How to make the error occurs during processing the request when ConfD tries to fetch some data from a data provider? Thanks a lot!

A simple way is to not run data provider application. For example, when you run the 5-c_stats example that is part of the ConfD distribution without starting the arpstat application, you will get the rpc-error block from a netconf get request of the arpentries container if /confdConfig/netconf/rpcErrors is configured as inline.