What is the list entry keypath if dal_date and dal_time is key?

I want to access a list intry where key is of type xs:date?

Say we have a YANG model with a one of these type of lists:

  import ietf-yang-types {
    prefix yang;
  import tailf-xsd-types {
    prefix xs;

  list my_list {
    key "d t";
    leaf d {
      type xs:date;
    leaf t {
      type xs:time;
  list my_list2 {
    key dt;
    leaf dt {
      type yang:date-and-time;

Using “display keypath” we can display the data in keypath format:

$ confd_cli -C -u admin
# show running-config my_list
my_list 2017-06-13 12:57:00
# show running-config my_list | display keypath 
/my_list{2017-06-13 12:57:00}
# show running-config my_list2                  
my_list2 2017-06-13T12:57:00-00:00
# show running-config my_list2 | display keypath

See also ConfD 6.4 UG Chapter 16.6.7. “Display as format”

will below work

cdb_get_object(sock, &val[0], max_elem, /my_list{%d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d}, 2017,6 , 13, 12,57,0);

No, see https://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/#date and https://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/#time