Why there is no '<cr>' completion tip when we could press '<cr>'?

localhost(config)# no aaa ?
Description: AAA management
Possible completions:
  authentication   User management
  ios              Specific IOS settings

when I enter no aaa <cr> , it works ok, but when I enter no aaa ?, I wish it could show me this command could directly. I mean the following tip:

localhost(config)# no aaa ?
Description: AAA management
Possible completions:
authentication   User management
ios              Specific IOS settings

In this specific case and in general, you will only get the possible carriage return entry with the question mark prompt when you have reached a specific instance of a list entry (the user list in this case). If you continue to tab to the next argument in the command line as follows:

localhost(config)# no aaa authentication users user ?
Possible completions:
  admin  oper  private  public  <cr>

This is the standard behavior of ConfD’s Cisco C-style CLI. What you are suggesting isn’t currently supported.

I think it is better if it show the possible carriage return entry whenever we could type enter, or if no ’ shows, forbid the user type enter key.