Can ConfD CLI accept '|' as a normal string?


When I try command “as-path-list aplist-1 seq 1 seq-choice permit submode-regex ^1_701_(5646|_1240).*” in ConfD C-style CLI, I get the return as below:

syntax error: expecting
append - Append output text to a file
begin - Begin with the line that matches
count - Count the number of lines in the output
exclude - Exclude lines that match
include - Include lines that match
linnum - Enumerate lines in the output
more - Paginate output
nomore - Suppress pagination
save - Save output text to a file
until - End with the line that matches

Looks like ConfD CLI take ‘|’ as a sign to execute pipe command, but our expectation is ConfD CLI can take ^1_701_(5646|_1240).* as a string. Can we achieve that without using quotes?

You can put a backslash \ in front of the |

An alternative is to disable the pipe commands by configuring the following confd.conf parameter:

 /confdConfig/cli/disablePipe (xs:boolean) [false]