TRACE Connected (maapi) to ConfD
TRACE Connected (cdb) to ConfD
TRACE CDB_OPER_SUBSCRIBE /ncm:netconf-state/tncm:streamsDEBUG badly formatted or nonexistent path - Not a cdb path: /netconf-state
Failed to subscribe to operational data: badly formatted or nonexistent path
I got the same error if I try to read from the CDB API…
Then looking at this: read-netconf-state-statistics-from-cdb it seems like those netconf-state data are actually not stored in cdb and I cannot subscribe to…
is there any way to subscribe to /netconf-state/streams/stream{mystream}/subscribers ?
No, you can’t as the topics you link to state.
Another alternative to the options already suggested in those topics is to subscribe to the ConfD NETCONF log notifications.
Running, for example, the examples.confd/misc/notifications example:
$ confd_notifications -N
You will receive, among other NETCONF notifications, notifications like these when the NETCONF stream subscriber registers:
Perhaps a better solution can be found if you can describe why there is a need to subscribe to the /netconf-state/streams/stream{mystream}/subscribers value?