Can we route yaws logs to a specific log file rather standard output of application

Hi All,
Our application has one log file which has standard output of all processes running.
We see that confd yaws service is writing some logs to it as shown below.

=INFO REPORT==== 24-Nov-2023::01:24:41.651129 ===
Yaws: Listening to for <1> virtual servers:
 - http://localhost:8008 under false/var/confd/webui/dist/confd

=INFO REPORT==== 24-Nov-2023::01:24:41.663321 ===
Yaws: Listening to ::1:8008 for <1> virtual servers:
 - http://localhost:8008 under false/var/confd/webui/dist/confd

=INFO REPORT==== 24-Nov-2023::01:24:45.102984 ===
Terminate whole http://localhost:8008 virt server group

=INFO REPORT==== 24-Nov-2023::01:24:45.103191 ===
stop_ready([], <0.2678.0>)

=INFO REPORT==== 24-Nov-2023::01:24:45.113479 ===
Terminate whole http://localhost:8008 virt server group

=INFO REPORT==== 24-Nov-2023::01:24:45.113726 ===
stop_ready([], <0.2680.0>)

=INFO REPORT==== 24-Nov-2023::01:24:45.114160 ===
Creating new virt server http://localhost:8008

=INFO REPORT==== 24-Nov-2023::01:24:45.114441 ===
Yaws: Listening to ::1:8008 for <1> virtual servers:
 - http://localhost:8008 under false/var/confd/webui/dist/confd

=INFO REPORT==== 24-Nov-2023::01:24:45.120985 ===
Creating new virt server http://localhost:8008

Is there a possibility to write this logs to a specific log file like yaws.log (yaws documentation suggests that error logs are written to report.log, but we don’t see that in our env) rather than to standard output log file?


If I understand correctly, you are starting ConfD with the --foreground option; if you need that, and if you need yaws (i.e. you need WebUI and/or RESTCONF), I’m afraid there is no configuration that would remove yaws log messages from the standard output. I think your best bet is to filter them out using a text filtering tool, looks to me that a relatively simple awk filter might be enough.

Yes we are starting confd with --foreground option and we need RESTCONF support.
Thanks for sharing your inputs, we will explore filter options, just wanted to know if there is some flag/config from confd side before that.
