CLI 'insert' command not shown in completion


No help (e.g. via “?”), no command completion (e.g. via ‘tab’) etc is given on other levels other than top level for ‘insert’ and some other built-in commands. Shown as below:

expert@my-cm-yang-provider-5f579ccddf-9fh5g(config)#insert sepp-function nf-instance instance_1 routing-case default_routing routing-rule test after csepp_to_RP_BE
expert@my-cm-yang-provider-5f579ccddf-9fh5g(config)#sepp-function nf-instance instance_1 routing-case default_routing routing-rule test
expert@my-cm-yang-provider-5f579ccddf-9fh5g(config-routing-rule-test)# predicate-expression “var.mcc==‘206’ and var.mnc==‘33’”
expert@my-cm-yang-provider-5f579ccddf-9fh5g(config-routing-rule-test)# action-roaming-partner RP_BE
Commit complete.
Entering configuration mode private
expert@my-cm-yang-provider-5f579ccddf-9fh5g(config)#sepp-function nf-instance instance_1 routing-case default_routing
Description: Entry point to a list of routing rules which are evaluated in sequence.
Possible completions:
routing-data-ref Reference to defined routing-data which has extracted the data to be used in routing rule predicate expressions.
routing-rule Routing rules…tbd.

commit Commit current set of changes
describe Display transparent command information
exit Exit from current mode
help Provide help information
no Negate a command or set its defaults
pwd Display current mode path
top Exit to top level and optionally run command

There is no change for these built-in commands in cli.spec. Is there any configuration can make these commands shown in other levels completion?

You can set cli/topLevelCmdsInSubMode to true in your confd.conf file, as the name indicates, it makes all top-level commands available in submodes - but it applies only to top-level commands.