I am trying to install confd using ciscossl. I was able to compile crypto.so and libconfd.so as per the instructions in the confd-7.2.2.libconfd.tar.gz. After installing it I see crypto.so pointing to AlmaLinux openssl but not to ciscossl.
Need libcrypto.so.1.1 pointing to ciscossl as below.
libcrypto.so.1.1 => /opt/cisco/csm-toolkit/tools/ciscossl/lib/libcrypto.so.1.1 (0x00007f92a0d59000)
If that does not do it for you, when compiling crypto.so, did you do something like the below?:
$ export USE_SSL_DIR=/opt/cisco/csm-toolkit/tools/ciscossl
$ tar xfz confd-7.2.2.libconfd.tar.gz
$ cd confd-7.2.2/libconfd
$ make crypto
$ make CONFD_DIR=/opt/confd install_crypto
Setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH is breaking modules that require AlmaLinux Modules.(Some python scripts need it load AlmaLinux libraries)
Tried the above steps of make and install_crypto using USE_SSL_DIR=/opt/cisco/csm-toolkit/tools/ciscossl. Still the generated crypto.so is pointing to AlamLinux openssl.(tried using all files libconfd.so, libconfd.a(static library), and crypto.so. Still libconfd.so, crypto.so) :
libcrypto.so.1.1 => /lib64/libcrypto.so.1.1