Thank you for reporting this issue. For some unknown reason the ConfD Basic downloads page has reverted to an earlier revision. I have filed a ticket to have this resolved ASAP.
Is PowerPC package available in 7.3 version. if yes, its not available in the download section - Can you please make sure its available in the download link. if not, is there any plans for it & when will it be available?
ConfD Basic 7.3 is no longer available. We only provide ConfD Basic for two major releases prior to the current major release. Because ConfD Basic 7.6 is now available, only 7.6, 7.5, and 7.4 are available for download.
@jlawitzke@nabil Basic CONFD7.6 is not available for download, Can you please clarify on same when this will be available to download. What is road-map with CONFD as i see no Basic version is available and temporary suspended.