Confd basic 7.6 fails to start

Hello folks,
I installed confd-basic 7.6 and tried to make it run with the config file of 6.4.3. There were some minor config changes done to make the old config file as per the requirement from the new version. But after that, confd server fails to start with below error:

=INFO REPORT==== 20-Oct-2021::17:28:51.866828 ===
disk_log: repairing “/localdisk/amuralid/UB18-confd-basic/.build/ub18_debug/install/usr/rift/var/rift/lp1-mgmt-vm-lp-2/persist.riftware/uagent_notification.1” …

=INFO REPORT==== 20-Oct-2021::17:28:51.893513 ===
disk_log: repairing “/localdisk/amuralid/UB18-confd-basic/.build/ub18_debug/install/usr/rift/var/rift/lp1-mgmt-vm-lp-2/persist.riftware/ha_notification.1” …

“Cannot bind to NETCONF socket : unknown POSIX error ("No host key available")\n”
=ERROR REPORT==== 20-Oct-2021::17:28:52.143573 ===
init:boot_msg: “Cannot bind to NETCONF socket : unknown POSIX error ("No host key available")\n”

Any idea where to start looking ? There is not much clue to begin with. I have provided the correct path for sshServerKeyDir, but still get this error. Appreciate any help on this.


If I turn off netconf, I get a bit more contextual error for the SSH server:

20-Oct-2021::17:40:14.866 amuralid-master confd[1991445]: - Failed to start (“No host key available”) to listen for CLI SSH on
“Failed to start ("No host key available") to listen for CLI SSH on\n”
=ERROR REPORT==== 20-Oct-2021::17:40:14.866365 ===
cli_server:920: confdssh_cli_server:listen({127,0,0,1}, 2024, {ssh_opts,#{alive_params => #Fun<aaa_server.94.131961177>,auth2fa_fun => #Fun<aaa_server.11.131961177>,auth_methods => [112,117,98,108,105,99,107,101,121,44,112,97,115,115,119,111,114,100],bannerfun => #Fun<aaa_server.14.131961177>,connectfun => #Fun<aaa_server.10.131961177>,dh_gex_limits => #Fun<aaa_server.95.131961177>,disconnectfun => #Fun<aaa_server.18.131961177>,failfun => #Fun<aaa_server.12.131961177>,max_auth_request_size => 4096,max_auth_tries => #Fun<aaa_server.96.131961177>,max_channels => 32,max_sessions => 1024,preferred_algorithms => [{public_key,[‘ssh-ed25519’,‘ssh-rsa’]},{kex,[‘curve25519-sha256’,‘ecdh-sha2-nistp256’,‘diffie-hellman-group14-sha256’,‘diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256’]},{cipher,[{client2server,[‘’,‘’,‘aes128-ctr’,‘aes192-ctr’,‘aes256-ctr’]},{server2client,[‘’,‘’,‘aes128-ctr’,‘aes192-ctr’,‘aes256-ctr’]}]},{mac,[{client2server,[‘hmac-sha2-512’,‘hmac-sha2-256’,‘hmac-sha1’]},{server2client,[‘hmac-sha2-512’,‘hmac-sha2-256’,‘hmac-sha1’]}]},{compression,[{client2server,[none,‘’,zlib]},{server2client,[none,‘’,zlib]}]}],pwdfun => #Fun<aaa_server.13.131961177>,system_dir => [46,47,115,115,104],user_dir_fun => #Fun<aaa_server.97.131961177>},,[83,83,72,32,111,112,116,105,111,110,115,32,102,111,114,32,67,76,73,32,115,101,114,118,101,114],}) → “No host key available”

There might be issues related to confd configuration backward compatibility between a 7.6 and a 6.4.3.
Can you run a ConfD 7.6 example succesfully?
I don’t recommend mixing confd configuration from 6.4.3 with 7.6. This should really be following the confd.conf examples in 7.6 as nodes may be different after such a long gap.

It would be good to show your confd.conf file used too. I recommend reaching out to Support if you don’t want to share the content of confd.conf in this public forum.

Thanks Nabil. I have got this resolved. I was missing few install files that were new to this release coming from 6.4.3. It worked after I copied the required files to the target.

which install files were missing , can you list? i am facing same error