I see the following while trying to commit a session:
localhost(config-server-abc)# commit
Internal error: Restarting CLI…Too many sessions. Ongoing sessions:
12 root cli ssh 15:35:51
Enter SID of session to terminate or ‘exit’:
Can you tell what can cause this error?
I don’t see a callback to t_prepare nor t_commit. only t_init and t_finish.
Something goes wrong in the CLI-session, I’m not sure what but maybe one of your callbacks returns a bad value. The second part, from Too many sessions ...
and onwards happen because ConfD creates a new session before the first one is closed and this isn’t allowed in ConfD Basic (only one session is supported).
Your log-files might have some information.
I am getting the same error. I am just using the IETF entity model and try to create a physical-entity. After entering the name and trying to see the next parameters by entering ‘?’ I’m getting the same error. I have turned on all logging to files and forced ConfD to reload them. I do not see any error message in the logs apart from this internal error too many sessions. I do not get this when I create an interface as defined in the IETF interfaces YANG model. How can I find out what is going wrong here?
Regards, Bart
FYI, I am also seeing this “Internal error: Restarting CLI…” after executing any command, after I have followed a certain upgrade/downgrade path in our ConfD-based product. I started with a product build using ConfD 7.3.2, then upgraded to a build using ConfD 7.8.3, then downgraded back to the build that uses ConfD 7.3.2. Afterwards, once I enter enable mode and then config mode, every command in config mode causes this error.
I do not know whether it is the ConfD version upgrade/downgrade or some other change in our product that elicits this error. But I will point out that I have enabled all of the ConfD logs, and the logs show nothing related to the error, so this is difficult to debug.
The error happens even when doing something as simple as checking the value of a leaf node in the CLI. So our product code doesn’t even get called.