CONFD CRASH on tailf query

Hello all,

nowadays, i’m working on tail-f query.
i want to do basic searching/filtering/sorting operations.
so that, i’m trying to do tail-f query.

if i put “comma(,) character” into the “foreach statement”, the confd is crashed.

here is the crash report:
netconf-server_1 | =CRASH REPORT==== 10-Jun-2021::09:19:14.820694 ===
netconf-server_1 | crasher:
netconf-server_1 | initial call: cs_trans:init/1
netconf-server_1 | pid: <0.803.0>
netconf-server_1 | registered_name: []
netconf-server_1 | exception exit: {{badmatch,
netconf-server_1 | {error,
netconf-server_1 | {cs_error,undefined,misc,xpath_compile,
netconf-server_1 | undefined,undefined,undefined,
netconf-server_1 | {"/dhcpd:dhcp/subnets/subnet[net=‘’, mask=‘’]",
netconf-server_1 | “XPath syntax error”},
netconf-server_1 | undefined,false}}},
netconf-server_1 | [{netconf_ops,immediate_query,2,
netconf-server_1 | [{file,“netconf_ops.erl”},{line,1715}]},
netconf-server_1 | {netconf_ops,exec_operation,1,
netconf-server_1 | [{file,“netconf_ops.erl”},{line,192}]},
netconf-server_1 | {netconf_proto,do_rpc,1,
netconf-server_1 | [{file,“netconf_proto.erl”},{line,613}]},
netconf-server_1 | {netconf_proto,handle_rpc,2,
netconf-server_1 | [{file,“netconf_proto.erl”},{line,500}]},

i can directly share full error log. i’m not sharing here now, because i don’t know it may contains sensetive data.

Many thanks,
WIth My Best Regards.

Crashes like this should not happen, so you may have hit a ConfD bug. But it looks like the bug in this case is that it does not handle well an incorrect XPath expression: the bracketed part [net='', mask=''], a predicate, should look like [net='' and mask=''].

Hello mvf,

yea u’re right, the input shouldn’t be like that,
but if curious user who like me, tries this, confd goes to crash.

Many thanks with my best regards,