Hello all,
After I designed below rpc command, I call the confd_cs_node_cd(“/run-test/value”) to get scheme of leaf for program acting dynamically.
But confd_cs_node_cd() function is failed.
So I tried to get node tree so I realized that “run-test” node has two children.
The first node is “value” node from input clause and second node also is “value” node from output clause.
I know the flag is difference of two node, one has CS_NODE_IS_PARAM, other has CS_NODE_IS_RESULT.
But I don’t want to do exception control for failure of confd_cs_node_cs().
Is there any way to get “value” from input clause like “/run-test/input:value” ?
rpc run-test {
tailf:actionpoint run-test;
input {
leaf value {
output {
leaf value {