Configure SSH tunneling in confd

I am working on requirement to make it configurable for user for SSH tunneling in confd. I see in confd.conf that ssh -> enabled ->true or false. It is under netconf -> transport.
Any suggestion is appreciated to enable or disable ssh in confd. Thanks in advance.


In confd.conf that ssh -> enabled ->true is also available for CLI /confdConfig/cli/ssh/enabled (and can be set as dynamic configuration - dynconfig).

I guess you should explain in more details what you mean by “make it configurable for user for SSH tunneling”? Enable/disable SSH access for specific user? Or something else?

Thanks for replying. My concern is about enabling or disabling ssh tunneling in confd. As, Linux has its own ssh daemon, ssh tunneling can be configured there by changing /etc/ssh/sshd_config for two keys:
AllowTcpForwarding and GatewayPorts.
I am looking for similar solution for confd ssh tunneling enable or disable. Thanks in advance.

The ConfD built-in SSH server is used to terminate SSH for NETCONF and/or the CLI. Not for SSH tunnelling.

But you can of course use ConfD to configure for example an OpenSSH tunnel setup, the same way the ConfD examples.confd/intro/1-2-3-start-query-model example does with the Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Server: