Container inside input for action yang

I am new to yang. I want to achieve something like this :-

grouping subscriber-key {
	list subscriber-key {
		tailf:info "A 25 character alphanumeric string, which is used as subs key";
        key key;
        leaf key {
			type string{
			length "1..25";
        leaf dest-addr {
			tailf:info "";
			type inet:ip-address;
			mandatory true;
		leaf dest-port {
			tailf:info "";
			type uint32 {
             range "0..65535";
            mandatory true;
 container search {
     tailf:info "";
     tailf:action subscriber {
         tailf:actionpoint search-point;
         input {
             container active-only {
                 tailf:info "Currently active calls only";
                 uses allow-multiple-match;
                 uses subscriber-key;
                 uses intf-id;

             leaf username {
                 type string;
                 tailf:info "Subscriber Id";
             leaf ip-addr {
                 tailf:info "";
                 type inet:ip-address;
			uses subscriber-key;
			uses intf-id;
            uses allow-multiple-match;
         output {


Is it valid to do like this ? And if yes , I am facing problem on confd_cli is:-

CLI: search subscriber username aaa subscriber-key { key 14 dest-addr dest-port 33 }

‘{’ is extra showing on cli
What is wrong ?
Or is it the way confd implements action yang with container as i/p?


Your example does not use the container

search subscriber username aaa subscriber-key { key 14 dest-addr dest-port 33 }

Did you mean this?

search subscriber active-only { subscriber-key { key 1 dest-addr dest-port 12 } }

Container part of datamodel is in {....}.
Yes, CLI adds { and } when there is a container in action’s input.

I think there is currently no custom CLI annotation that suppresses this.