Delete not working

Hi @cohult,

We have included the CONFD(tried with both 7.3 & 7.6 version) files & subdirectories as per the ConfD_Basic_License Agreement 1.1.pdf in our distribution package. When we deploy the same with our application, we are not able delete any parameters (both config true as well as false).

On further analysis we found that the issue was fixed by adding the following two files to the distribution package:

But as per the license these are not permitted as part of the distribution package. Please let us know how can we fix the above issue.

Please find the developer logs with “trace” attached.


Known issue corrected by ConfD 7.8, 7.7.3, 7.6.5, 7.5.5, 7.4.7 or later.
For 7.3.0 or 7.6.0 ConfD Basic deployments you need to disable rollbacks in confd.conf.

  - cs_trans: Remove dependency on cli.ez for systems not using cli

    (ENG-25437, RT:44612, PS-39723, CSCvw84514)

Anyways, you do not want/need rollbacks enabled with a NETCONF-only deployment.

Thanks for your reply @cohult. We are able to execute the delete operation as well with rollback set to false.