Hi all,
I am wondering how to run the 5-stats example (Example #5: Read-only Instrumentation) under confd-7.8.2/examples.confd/intro/python/5-stats. I followed the instruction in the README file, and below is what I got:
First I built necessary files and started confD
[user@machine 5-stats]$ make all start
/home/user/confd-7.8.2/bin/confdc --fail-on-warnings -c -o arpe.fxs arpe.yang
/home/user/confd-7.8.2/bin/confdc --emit-python arpe_ns.py arpe.fxs
mkdir -p ./confd-cdb
cp /home/user/confd-7.8.2/var/confd/cdb/aaa_init.xml ./confd-cdb
ln -s /home/user/confd-7.8.2/etc/confd/ssh ssh-keydir
Build complete
### Killing any confd daemon and ARP confd agents
/home/user/confd-7.8.2/bin/confd --stop || true
killall `pgrep -f "python3 ./arpstat.py"` || true
84412: no process found
84413: no process found
/home/user/confd-7.8.2/bin/confd -c confd.conf --addloadpath /home/user/confd-7.8.2/etc/confd
### * In one terminal window, run: tail -f ./confd.log
### * In another terminal window, run queries
### (try 'make query' for an example)
### * In this window, the arpstat confd daemon now starts:
### (hit Ctrl-c to exit)
python3 ./arpstat.py
_confd.TRACE 2
TRACE Connected (maapi) to ConfD
TRACE Connected (dp) to ConfD
TRACE Received daemon id 0
TRACE Connected (dp) to ConfD
TRACE Picked up old user session: 12 for user:system ctx:system
TRACE Picked up old user session: 11 for user:system ctx:system
TRACE Picked up old user session: 5 for user:system ctx:system
TRACE Picked up old user session: 1 for user:system ctx:system
Then I started JunOS-style CLI in another terminal, and typed show status arpentries, but got an error
[user@rtxdoclp121 5-stats]$ make cli
/home/user/confd-7.8.2/bin/confd_cli --user=admin --groups=admin \
--interactive || echo Exit
admin connected from using ssh on rtxdoclp121
admin@rtxdoclp121> show status arpentries
Error: application protocol error
[error][2022-07-13 02:30:44]
System message at 2022-07-13 02:30:44...
Subsystem stopped: arpe_daemon
And below is the error message I saw in the terminal I started confD
TRACE New user session: 14 for user:admin ctx:cli --> CONFD_OK
TRACE CALL trans init(thandle=12,mode="r",db=running)Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./arpstat.py", line 117, in cb_init
arp.collect_arp_data() # get self.arpdata
File "./arpstat.py", line 69, in collect_arp_data
iface = arp_line[i+1].strip()
IndexError: list index out of range
DEBUG No descriptor set for trans
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./arpstat.py", line 259, in <module>
File "./arpstat.py", line 241, in run
raise e
File "./arpstat.py", line 238, in run
dp.fd_ready(ctx, ctlsock) #
_confd.error.Error: Bad protocol usage or unexpected retval (21): No descriptor set for trans
make: *** [start] Error 1
Does anyone know how to resolve this?