Does confd inbuilt ssh support certificate authentication?


Openssh has different ways of authentication like password, key based authentication , certificate based authentication, etc.

Does confd inbuilt ssh has support for certificate based authentication as like Openssh?


ConfD’s built-in SSH server does not support certificates. You can integrate ConfD with, for example, OpenSSH and enable OpenSSH certificates, or with Roumen Petrov’s PKIX-SSH to enable standardized X.509 certificates.

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Thanks for the info.
Is there document which describes the way to integrate confd ssh with Openssh?

Is there document which describes the way to integrate confd ssh with Openssh?
Thanks in advance

OpenSSH for NETCONF sessions: See the ConfD User Guide chapter NETCONF Server section Using OpenSSH.

OpenSSH for CLI sessions: See the confd_cli(1) man page. You can, for example, add something like the below to your OpenSSH sshd_config file:

Match User admin
    ForceCommand $CONFD_DIR/bin/confd_cli -C

See also the OpenSSH ssh_config(5) man page for details.

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