Do we need to do any specific configuration to support it.
The only config added with NMDA in 7.3 is related to the CLI:
7.4 (~July) may add some more config.
See the ConfD 7.3 examples.confd/nmda for an NMDA python example.
Thanks cohult for the information…!!
Hi Cohult,
Thanks again for the previous reply.
I have few more queries :
- What are the NMDA gaps in the release 7.3 ? Can i get the list or specific mentioned in User Guide
- What is planned to be part of V7.4 ConfD Basic version.
- Can i maintain 2 yang version files say (Ietf-interfaces.yang [ pre-nmda]
Ietf-interfaces.yang [supporting NMDA] and compilation will work.
- See confd-basic-7.3/CHANGES and search for “NMDA”. In addition, if you want to store NMDA operational-state data in the CDB operational datastore you must map data there using callpoints and a second config false copy of the YANG model. A demo on how to do so will be available on the ConfD GitHub in a week or two.
- Looks like origin and CDB operational datastore support + at least one more example will be added.
- Not if you don’t give one of them a different namespace and (preferably) prefix name.