Does queryTimeout cause "Worker socket closed"?

When I execute command “netconf-console-tcp -u xxx -g restoreEng --get -x /charging/cdr-streams/cdr-stream[stream-id=“0”]/cdr-stream-files/cdr-stream-file[file-number=“1”]/cdr-file-information/file-state”, “application timeout” error fires.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> application operation-failed error /as:charging/cdr-streams:cdr-streams/cdr-streams:cdr-stream[cdr-streams:stream-id='0'] application timeout cdr-stream

In the testing, confd_trans_cbs.init() would use about 50s to make the data ready due to the large list. From the timestamp, the worker socket is closed after about 50s. There is no explicit setting for queryTimeout/newSessionTimeout/connectTimeout in confd.conf.

2019-05-29T15:20:29.620476000Z TRACE New user session: 17 for user:xxx ctx:netconf --\u003e CONFD_OK
2019-05-29T15:21:18.161173000Z TRACE CALL trans init(thandle=28,mode=\“r\”,db=running) --\u003e CONFD_OK
2019-05-29T15:21:18.161173000Z DEBUG EOF on socket to ConfD
2019-05-29T15:21:18.161173000Z Worker socket closed

Could you help analyze which timeout may cause “worker socket closed”?

Thanks in advance,

As you suggest queryTimeout is timeout the application must repsond. This is by default 120s. It looks like the application itself closes worker socket before replaying to ConfD. Can it be the case? Is your application still running after error? (Exit/crash of application can cause socket is closed.)