Environment setup

HI, I’m new to the community and have a question regarding setting up a testing environment on a laptop. Is there any documentation on how to setup quagga with confd? I would like to setup 4 quagga host in a spine leaf topology and use netconf to manage the setup

I think quagga does not support NETCONF. You need to write ConfD application that reads applied configuration (subscriber) and configures quagga accordingly.

I guess Quagga demo can be requested from Tail-f for ConfD Premium users.

With the recent launch of the https://github.com/ConfD-Developer space I believe the intention is to add the Quagga ConfD integration demo to there, probably within a week or two.
The application note for the demo can be found on the Tail-f website. https://info.tail-f.com/confd_quagga