Hi ,
I am working on Confd 7.2.2
My requirement is to extend Confd’s NETCONF Server and customize rpc reply.
I found the example in below link
I tried option 1: 15.5.1, where it says
“As an executable program which is started by ConfD for each new RPC. The XML is passed as-is from ConfD to the program, and the resulting XML is generated by the program.”
I am using a shell script as an executable like below, however i observed Confd never passes the input XML to the executable
module junos-rpc {
namespace “urn:juniper-rpc”;
prefix jrpc;
import tailf-common {
prefix tailf;
import ietf-inet-types {
prefix inet;
import ietf-yang-types {
prefix yang;
rpc get-interface-information {
“Show interface information”;
input {
// input leafs
output {
uses interface-information;
tailf:exec “./get-interface-information.sh” {
I tried python executable also instead of shell script and i noticed the same problem there also.
Please let me know if i am missing something.