Failed to load AAA: The loaded revision of module tailf-aaa is incompatible with module ietf-netconf-acm

Hi guys!

I have got a little quest - in a few words I have two SBC with ConfD installed on.

------ dev1 -----

[morik@DEV1 ~/sshfs/dataplane-sdk-usage-example]$ confd --version

[morik@DEV1 ~/sshfs/dataplane-sdk-usage-example]$ cat /etc/*lease
PRETTY_NAME=“Debian GNU/Linux bullseye/sid”
NAME=“Debian GNU/Linux”

------ dev2 -----

[morik@DEV2 ~/sshfs/dataplane-sdk-usage-example]$ confd --version

[morik@DEV2 ~/sshfs/dataplane-sdk-usage-example]$ cat /etc/*lease
PRETTY_NAME=“Debian GNU/Linux bullseye/sid”
NAME=“Debian GNU/Linux”

----- question -----

I have tried to restart ConfD on the dev2 there is all fine, but on the dev1 I got the next error: “Failed to load AAA: The loaded revision of module tailf-aaa is incompatible with module ietf-netconf-acm”

but the configuration of ConfD on dev1 and dev2 is the same :frowning:
could you please shed lite on this

Also I have tried:

  • fully remove confd from dev1 and install again
  • copy configuration (/etc/confd/, /var/confd/) from dev2 on dev1

but unfortunately, it did not help me, a few screenshots attached,
please let me know if you need additional information


The important part is not what YANG modules are present, but what FXS files (binary form of YANG modules) are loaded by confd. You can see what files are loaded in confd.log.

The log entry should look something like:

<DEBUG> 22-Sep-2020::09:05:32.735 box confd[12146]: - Loading file /opt/confd/etc/confd/tailf-aaa.fxs

The error message means that ConfD somehow picked the ietf-netconf-acm.fxs and a FXS file that was compiled from tailf-aaa@2011-09-22.yang, the old and deprecated revision of tailf-aaa.yang.

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confirmed, thank you!