How netopeer2 and confd are differ

Hi All
Please answer my below question who has worked on both netopeer2 and confd-
what is basic difference between confd and netopeer2 ,which is better ?

I suggest you compare both products

I’m not fully familiar with netopeer2, but it is presented like NETCONF toolset, ConfD is presented as full product/management system. It really depends on your needs and scenario, to decide what is better.

E.g., If you want to create NETCONF layer on top of existing device, ConfD provides all needed APIs and good examples and documentation.

With netopeer you have to use many other tools to make similar functionality.

I suggest you try to implement simple demo (e.g. one list configuration) in both and compare.

Hi @mnovak for your valuable comment.

Can I use confd basic in ARM devices ?

I think there is a ConfD Premium ARM version, but not ConfD basic

You can see freely available platforms here:

Hi @mnovak for quick response
I am not getting cost of premium version of confd anywhere , can we please tell me ?

I do not know it as well. I suggest you contact Cisco/Tailf and ask about ARM version.

Thanks @mnovak for quick response and help