How to disable ConfdD send audit event

I want to control the audit event and edit-config event format instead of the default format which is sent by confd.
I have subscript audit event and edit-config event successful, but how to disable the confd to send such event to NETCONF stream?


In confd.conf you set the <netconf><notification><enabled> to false.
You will no longer be able to subscribe to the NETCONF stream events, but you have plenty of events for config changes anyway. E.g. you can set <logs><auditLogCommit> to true and get the change events through the audit log notifications.

Summary of the confd.conf settings I mentioned above:


Thanks for reply. Is there any example to set to true and get the change events through the audit log notifications? Is it possible to subscribe the the change event?

See examples.confd/misc/notifications. Just enable the auditLogCommit per above in the confd.conf file in that example, make all, and run the example with the -a flag (a for audit log messages).

Thank you, I will try it.