How to figure out rollback of a transaction in transformer

When a transaction fails how to figure out , this transaction got rolled back in transformer ? By the time, confd calls, stop transformation, if the transaction got rolled back, then, all the hidden cdb mib changes are reverted ?


I assume you talk about config data transformation using tailf:callpoint
If the pending transaction “fails” or does NOT proceed to a final commit, CDB data is not changed - the changes were present only in the transaction state.
Thus there’s no need to rollback the transform - or, to rephrase, no reverse operations are executed with transform hooks.

Hi Joseph,
Thanks for the reply. We wanted to manage in memory data structures based on the commits (For hidden cdb tables and config data). The main purpose of this to be used as a cache for improving performance at the transformer. we are not sure, how to handle rollback of a transaction at transformer.


If you mean to allow “synchronization” of your in-memory data with CDB, you may need CDB subscriber instead…
When transaction callback is being executed, you don’t have a guarantee/knowledge whether commit will actually happen inside of its code (e.g. user just called “validate” command in CLI, transforms “happen”, but not commit)