How to override the tailf:cli-incomplete-show-path message text


i need to override the message text from incomplete path to arguments required.
is there a way to do this??

is there a way that i can have functionality of cli-incomplete-show-path with my message text…


Turns out you can override all the error messages using
See clispec man pages and examples.confd/message_rewrite example.

Quick demo for the “Incomplete path” message adding the errorMessageRewrite to the examples.confd/cli/climods example:

$ diff -u /Users/tailf/confd-6.2/examples.confd/cli/climods/confd.c.cli ./confd.c.cli
--- /Users//tailf/confd-6.2/examples.confd/cli/climods/confd.c.cli	2016-05-28 19:50:18.000000000 +0200
+++ ./confd.c.cli	2016-09-09 09:57:20.000000000 +0200
@@ -2,6 +2,11 @@
+      <errorMessageRewrite>
+        <callback>
+          <capi>error_message_rewrite</capi>
+        </callback>
+      </errorMessageRewrite>
$ diff -u /Users/tailf/confd-6.2/examples.confd/cli/climods/actions.c ./actions.c
--- /Users/tailf/confd-6.2/examples.confd/cli/climods/actions.c	2016-05-28 19:50:18.000000000 +0200
+++ ./actions.c	2016-09-09 10:28:59.000000000 +0200
@@ -44,6 +44,8 @@
                      confd_hkeypath_t *kp,
                      confd_tag_value_t *params,
                      int n);
+static int do_error_message_rewrite(struct confd_user_info *uinfo,
+                                char *path, int argc, char **argv);
 static int do_modename(struct confd_user_info *uinfo,
                        char *path, int argc, char **argv);
 static int abort_action(struct confd_user_info *uinfo);
@@ -58,7 +60,7 @@
     struct sockaddr_in addr;
     int debuglevel = CONFD_TRACE;
-    struct confd_action_cbs acb;
+    struct confd_action_cbs acb, acb2;
     /* Init library */
     confd_init("actions_daemon",stderr, debuglevel);
@@ -107,8 +109,17 @@
     acb.abort = abort_action;
     if (confd_register_action_cbs(dctx, &acb) != CONFD_OK)
-        fail("Couldn't register action callbacks");
+        fail("Couldn't register reset-point action callback");
+    /* register the show path rewrite action handler callback */
+    memset(&acb, 0, sizeof(acb2));
+    strcpy(acb2.actionpoint, "error_message_rewrite");
+    acb2.init = init_action;
+    acb2.command = do_error_message_rewrite;
+    if (confd_register_action_cbs(dctx, &acb2) != CONFD_OK)
+        fail("Couldn't register error message rewrite action callback");
     if (confd_register_done(dctx) != CONFD_OK)
         fail("Couldn't complete callback registration");
@@ -271,6 +282,39 @@
     return CONFD_OK;
+static int do_error_message_rewrite(struct confd_user_info *uinfo,
+                                char *type, int argc, char **argv)
+    /* possible types are "error", "warning", "aborted", "info", and
+    * "syntax"
+    */
+    /* for syntax message argv[0] contains the message,
+     * argv[1] the part of the line before the error, and
+     * argv[2] the orignal command line
+     */
+    char *rep1[] = { "% My error message\n" };
+    int i;
+    printf("do_error_message_rewrite called\n");
+    printf("type of message: %s\n", type);
+    for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
+        printf("argv %d: %s\n", i, argv[i]);
+    }
+    if (strcmp(type, "info") == 0 &&
+        i == 1 && strcmp(argv[0], "% Incomplete path\n") == 0) {
+        if (confd_action_reply_command(uinfo, rep1, 1) < 0)
+            confd_fatal("Failed to reply to confd\n");
+    }
+    return CONFD_OK;
 void fail(char *fmt, ...)
     va_list ap;

$ make all start
$ confd_cli -C -u admin

admin connected from using console
# show arp1 arpe
% My error message