How to use NetconfSession.action() API in com.tailf.jnc to pass action input?

I try to use function NetconfSession.action() in package com.tailf.jnc to send action rpc to confd to execute the action. I can see the API defined as

public Element action(Element data) throws JNCException, IOException`

For action in yang 1.1. In some cases it has input, e.g.:

action reset {
           input {
             leaf reset-at {
               type yang:date-and-time;
               mandatory true;
            output {
              leaf reset-finished-at {
                type yang:date-and-time;
                mandatory true;

In this case, I just wonder how do I pass the input as parameter to the function action in order to encode the input to the xml rpc for confd ?


I guess you should ask author of JNC how to use the API.

My guess is that you fill in input as data and receive output as result.
See JavaDoc for Element how to create and read data (element sub-tree).

Yeah, I agree. Thank you very much for the hint.