Hi ,
I want to validate leaf end-address in the yang and annotation file below. If I use “end-address” path and “no-dependency” in annotation file , it works.
But when a new entry comes, callback works for every list elements and validate all items in the list every time.
To overcome this problem, I tried call-once. It expects lists or leaf-list, so I used list (pools) instead of leaf (end-address) in annotation, but could not able to start application. I am not sure if I use call-once correctly. Are there any example for call-once ?
grouping iprange-list {
list pools {
key uuid;
unique "start-address end-address";
leaf uuid {
type string;
leaf start-address {
type inet:ipv4-address;
mandatory true;
description "First IPv4 address in a pool.";
leaf end-address {
type inet:ipv4-address;
mandatory true;
description "Last IPv4 address in a pool.";
Annotation file
tailf:annotate "/ipmgmt:general/ipmgmt:ipmgmtcon/ipmgmt:pools" {
tailf:validate ipmgmtvcb {
//tailf:call-once true;