HOWTO: NETCONF over TLS with Mutual X.509 Authentication as an Alternative to SSH

UPDATE: A demo project can be found here: ConfD-Demos/x509tls-netconf at master · ConfD-Developer/ConfD-Demos · GitHub

Application Note: X.509 Authentication with NETCONF & RESTCONF

[RFC 7589][1] describes how to use the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol with mutual X.509 authentication to secure the exchange of NETCONF messages as an alternative to the widely used for [RFC 6242 Using the NETCONF Protocol over Secure Shell (SSH)][2].

While ConfD natively support the well established RFC 6242 with a built in SSH server, ConfD is delivered with a program called netconf-subsys which is an OpenSSH subsystem program that functions as a relay between the OpenSSH daemon and the ConfD NETCONF server. Just as with OpenSSH, one can instead relay between a TLS implementation, e.g. [GnuTLS][3], and the ConfD NETCONF server.

TLS 1.2/1.3 NETCONF server example

To illustrate, below is a simple TLS 1.2 NETCONF server example using X.509 authentication according to RFC 7589.

About the example:
• The example use the GnuTLS library for TLS with X.509 authentication.
• The example is a merge of the "Echo Server with X.509 Authentication” example from the GnuTLS manual and the $CONFD_DIR/src/confd/netconf/netconf-subsys.c ConfD program which is modified to support TLS instead of OpenSSH.
• We modify the $CONFD_DIR/examples.confd/intro/1-2-3-start-query-model for NETCONF over TLS instead of over the ConfD built-in SSH server.
• Note that the example example contain little or no error checking and that we greatly simplify the client identity in the example by assuming that only the admin user from the ConfD 1-2-3 intro example hold a valid client certificate. Real implementations will need to verify the client identity according to section 7 of RFC 7589.
• Also note that we only serve one client at the time. Real implementations will likely want to serve several in parallel.

Feel free to use this example / demo to implement your own ConfD RFC 7589 support for using the NETCONF protocol over TLS with mutual X.509 authentication

[1]: RFC 7589 - Using the NETCONF Protocol over Transport Layer Security (TLS) with Mutual X.509 Authentication
[2]: RFC 6242 - Using the NETCONF Protocol over Secure Shell (SSH)

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