I want to hide or delete auto rendered command

I want to hide or delete few auto rendered commands.
I used clispec for hiding default commands.I could not hide below commands…


if it is possible and please let me know…

Are you deleting the commands in the correct mode?

<clispec xmlns="http://tail-f.com/ns/clispec/1.0" style="c">
      <delete src="load"/>
      <delete src="service"/>

Thank you cohult.

I tried below code…

<\move src=“load” dest=“xxxload”/>
<\hide src=“xxxload”/>
<\move src=“service” dest=“xxxservice”/>
<\hide src=“xxxservice”/>

is it possible to hide those commands ?

What you intend to do works, but your syntax is incorrect, and your use case require you to specify inclSubCmds=“true” when you move a command.

See clispec(5) man page /clispec/$MODE/modifications/move and /clispec/$MODE/modifications/hide for details (also available in the UG as an appendix).

yeah got it and thanks once again…