Implementing show command for multi level list

I’m facing issues while implementing a show command for multi level lists.
In the following model for the first list context_cp callpoint gets invoked, I return
a bunch of context-names and the user picks one context-name. after this get_object()
is getting invoked, since the first list doesn’t have any additional elements, what should be returned in response to get_object()? I was expecting the context_data_cp() to get invoked further but this is not happening. what could be the reason?

' list context {
      key "context-name";
      tailf:callpoint context_cp;
      leaf context-name {
          type string;
      list context-data {
          key "id";
.         tailf:callpoint context_data_cp;
          leaf id {
              type uint32;
          leaf state {
              type uint32;


See How to add the support of the get_next_object() callback to the 5-c_stats example? - #9 by josephm