I am unable to download the netconf distribution in ubuntu. I am new to Netconf, could you please help me with the installation from downloading to installation?
What sort of download issues did you run into?
You can download ConfD Basic from ConfD - Cisco DevNet.
You can follow the instructions at How to install ConfD? to install ConfD.
I downloaded the confd-basic-6.4.linux.x86_64.zip from the https://developer.cisco.com/site/confD/downloads/
when i tried to unzip it i am unable to do it; it is showing me the following message:
admin18@admin18-VirtualBox:~$ unzip confd-basic-6.4.linux.x86_64.zip
Archive: confd-basic-6.4.linux.x86_64.zip
End-of-central-directory signature not found. Either this file is not
a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive. In the
latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on
the last disk(s) of this archive.
unzip: cannot find zipfile directory in one of confd-basic-6.4.linux.x86_64.zip or
confd-basic-6.4.linux.x86_64.zip.zip, and cannot find confd-basic-6.4.linux.x86_64.zip.ZIP, period.
I am unable to understand what mistake i am doing, could you please guide me?
If you search the internet with your error message, you will find that there may be an issue with the version of unzip on your system (assuming the downloaded zip file didn’t get corrupted). You can try the following solution:
jar xvf confd-basic-6.4.linux.x86_64.zip
I tried the way mentioned but it did not extract and did not show me any error also, does that mean it is extracting some where else?
I am not sure what is happening?
To give you an idea on what to expect when you extract the zip file for ConfD, following is the terminal output on my Ubuntu VM using both unzip and jar:
$ uname -a
Linux ubuntu 4.10.0-42-generic #46-Ubuntu SMP Mon Dec 4 14:38:01 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
$ ls
$ file *.zip
confd-basic-6.4.linux.x86_64.zip: Zip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract
$ ls -l *.zip
-rw-r--r-- 1 waitai1 waitai1 17732620 May 1 09:18 confd-basic-6.4.linux.x86_64.zip
$ unzip -v
UnZip 6.00 of 20 April 2009, by Debian. Original by Info-ZIP.
$ unzip confd-basic-6.4.linux.x86_64.zip
Archive: confd-basic-6.4.linux.x86_64.zip
creating: confd-basic-6.4.linux.x86_64/
inflating: confd-basic-6.4.linux.x86_64/confd-basic-6.4.doc.tar.gz
inflating: confd-basic-6.4.linux.x86_64/confd-basic-6.4.examples.tar.gz
inflating: confd-basic-6.4.linux.x86_64/confd-basic-6.4.libconfd.tar.gz
inflating: confd-basic-6.4.linux.x86_64/confd-basic-6.4.linux.x86_64.installer.bin
inflating: confd-basic-6.4.linux.x86_64/ConfD_Basic_License_Agreement_1.1.pdf
$ ls confd-basic-6.4.linux.x86_64
confd-basic-6.4.doc.tar.gz confd-basic-6.4.linux.x86_64.installer.bin
confd-basic-6.4.examples.tar.gz ConfD_Basic_License_Agreement_1.1.pdf
$ rm -r confd-basic-6.4.linux.x86_64
$ ls
$ jar --version
jar (fastjar) 0.98
$ jar xvf confd-basic-6.4.linux.x86_64.zip
created: confd-basic-6.4.linux.x86_64/
inflated: confd-basic-6.4.linux.x86_64/confd-basic-6.4.doc.tar.gz
inflated: confd-basic-6.4.linux.x86_64/confd-basic-6.4.examples.tar.gz
inflated: confd-basic-6.4.linux.x86_64/confd-basic-6.4.libconfd.tar.gz
inflated: confd-basic-6.4.linux.x86_64/confd-basic-6.4.linux.x86_64.installer.bin
inflated: confd-basic-6.4.linux.x86_64/ConfD_Basic_License_Agreement_1.1.pdf
$ ls confd-basic-6.4.linux.x86_64
confd-basic-6.4.doc.tar.gz confd-basic-6.4.linux.x86_64.installer.bin
confd-basic-6.4.examples.tar.gz ConfD_Basic_License_Agreement_1.1.pdf