Is it possible to read 2 config blocks using maapi API's

is it possible to read 2 config blocks using maapi API?

I’m able to read one config block & entire config block using maapi_save_config() API as follows

Specific config block
maapi_save_config (sock, thandle, MAAPI_CONFIG_XML_PRETTY, "/ManagedElemen");

Entire config block
maapi_save_config (sock, thandle, MAAPI_CONFIG_XML_PRETTY, NULL);

How to read 2 config blocks, say “/ManagedElement” & “/hardware”


I haven’t tested this myself, but…
confd_lib_maapi man page for maapi_save_config() shows that this flag is available:

    The fmtpath and remaining arguments give an XPath filter instead of a keypath.

so something like this could maybe work:

char *xpath = "child::*[self::ManagedElement or self::hardware]";
maapi_save_config(sock, thandle, flags, xpath);

You may need to play with format of the xpath a bit, i’m not sure if it needs e.g. leading / and cannot test myself now…

edit: or maybe xpath like: “/*[@name=ManagedElement or @name=hardware]”, there seem to be more options depending on axes/attributes usage…?

Thanks. Following one is working for me
char xpath = "child::[self::ManagedElement or self::hardware]";

I tried with “ /*[@name=ManagedElement or @name=hardware] ”. But not worked.

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