Is there a simple way to monitor ConfD notifications in run-time?

The example program in $CONFD_DIR/examples.confd/misc/notifications implemented by confd_notifications.c can also serve as a nice tool and be used standalone in a development environment to monitor ConfD events.

Quick demo:

In terminal 1 we subscribe to all events except heartbeat using the confd_notifications program:

$ pwd
$ ./confd_notifications 
./confd_notifications usage:
    -d   (daemon log messages)
    -D   (developer log messages)
    -a   (audit log messages)
    -N   (NETCONF log messages)
    -S   (SNMP log messages)
    -t   (takeover mode for syslog)
    -u   (user session messages)
    -c   (commit simple messages)
    -i   (iterate over commit diff)
    -f   (commit failed messages)
    -C   (confirmed-commit messages)
    -P   (commit progress messages)
    -h   (ha information messages)
    -s   (subagent messages)
    -F   (forward information messages)
    -U   (upgrade event messages)
    -A   (all of the above)
    -H   (heartbeat messages)
    -e   (health check messages)
    -n 'name' (notification stream event messages for stream 'name')
    -y   (make audit log synchronous)
    -Y   (make ha info synchronous)
    -r   (request confirmation before sync reply)
    -T 'interval' (interval for heartbeat / health check in seconds)
    -B 'time' (start time for notification stream - yang:date-and-time form)
    -E 'time' (stop time for notification stream - yang:date-and-time form)
    -x 'filter' (XPath filter for notification stream)
    -z 'usid' (User session id for AAA restriction on notification stream)
    -p 'port' (connect to ConfD at 'port')
$ make start START_FLAGS=-A
/Users/conny/tailf/confd-basic-5.4/bin/confd -c ./confd.conf --addloadpath /Users/conny/tailf//confd-basic-5.4/etc/confd
./confd_notifications -A
Waiting for event notifications...
syslog: sym=29/STARTED prio=6 msg=ConfD started vsn: 5.4

In terminal 2 we commit a transaction over NETCONF:

$ netconf-console -i
* Enter a NETCONF operation, end with an empty line
  <config xmlns="">
    <root xmlns="">

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rpc-reply xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id="2">

In terminal 1 we now received event notifications triggered by the NETCONF edit-config transaction:

audit: sym=107/SSH_LOGIN, user=admin usid=0 msg=logged in over ssh from with authmeth:password
syslog: sym=86/NETCONF prio=1 msg=id=11 new ssh session for user "admin" from
audit: sym=104/GROUP_ASSIGN, user=admin usid=11 msg=assigned to groups: admin
user session: type=1, user=admin usid=11 db=0
syslog: sym=86/NETCONF prio=2 msg=id=11 got rpc: {urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0}edit-config attrs: message-id="2"
user session: type=5, user=admin usid=11 db=2
syslog: sym=86/NETCONF prio=2 msg=id=11 edit-config target=running attrs: message-id="2"
Commit progress on db 2 usid 11 thandle 6:
 entering validate phase for running...

Commit progress on db 2 usid 11 thandle 6:
   validate: grabbing transaction lock...
Commit progress on db 2 usid 11 thandle 6:

Commit progress on db 2 usid 11 thandle 6:
   validate: creating rollback file...
Commit progress on db 2 usid 11 thandle 6:

Commit progress on db 2 usid 11 thandle 6:
   validate: run transforms and transaction hooks...
Commit progress on db 2 usid 11 thandle 6:

Commit progress on db 2 usid 11 thandle 6:
   validate: pre validate...
Commit progress on db 2 usid 11 thandle 6:

Commit progress on db 2 usid 11 thandle 6:
   validate: run validation over the change set...

Commit progress on db 2 usid 11 thandle 6:
   validate: validation over the change set done

Commit progress on db 2 usid 11 thandle 6:
   validate: run dependency-triggered validation...

Commit progress on db 2 usid 11 thandle 6:
   validate: dependency-triggered validation done

user session: type=6, user=admin usid=11 db=2
syslog: sym=86/NETCONF prio=2 msg=id=11 sending rpc-reply, attrs: message-id="2"

In terminal 1 we now restart the confd_notifications program to listen only for commit events:

$ pwd
$ make start START_FLAGS=-c
/Users/conny/tailf/confd-basic-5.4/bin/confd -c ./confd.conf --addloadpath /Users/conny/tailf/confd-basic-5.4/etc/confd
./confd_notifications -c
Waiting for event notifications...

In terminal 2:

$ netconf-console -i
Enter a NETCONF operation, end with an empty line
  <config xmlns="">
    <root xmlns="">

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rpc-reply xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id="2">

In terminal 1 we now see that our application received the CONFD_NOTIF_COMMIT_SIMPLE notification event:

Waiting for event notifications...
commit on db 2 from user admin usid 11

Hi Cohult,

I am trying to find out what steps does confd do during
“Commit progress on db 2 usid 11 thandle 6:
validate: pre validate…” ?
I am getting an get_elem request for callpoint (Operational data) during this phase. I am trying to figure out why this is happening and if I can get some info on what happens in the “pre validate” step by confd, maybe I can figure out why/where this callpoint is invoked.

My Question is what confd does in pre validate step.

Thanks for your help in advance.

-Priya Madhu

@priyamadhu Please create a new topic instead of replying to an unrelated one.