Mapping all substrings of a certain string to same key

Hi ,
i have list with key name with string type.

name accepts all strings.
but i need a case where all the subsctrings of ‘default’ to be mapped tio the same entry "default’
is this done though the mapping code ?


they all if given through CLI or NETCONF should map to the entry with key “default”

That (i.e. alias-expansion) would be a bad idea for a machine-to-machine NETCONF client-server setup. But if a NETCONF client (e.g. NSO) exposes a CLI to its users an alias may be defined for it and the alias-expansion may then happen there. Not at the NETCONF server.

Using alias-expansion with the ConfD CLI:

(config)# show full-configuration alias              
alias d
 expansion default
alias de
 expansion default
alias def
 expansion default
alias defaul
 expansion default
(config)# show full-configuration alias | display xml
<config xmlns="">
  <alias xmlns="">
  <alias xmlns="">
  <alias xmlns="">
  <alias xmlns="">

See ConfD UG “Configure mode commands” under “alias” for more CLI details.