MUST statement feasibility


I have the following YANG:

  1. Container A:
    • Leaf B, range {0, 1}
    • Container C [key leaf: D]
      • Leaf D
      • Container E [key leaf: F]
        • Leaf F
        • Leaf G
        • Leaf H

I’m trying to make a MUST statement which allows B to be configured as 1 only when the same value of G and H is configured together across D (assuming that F has a unique G and H).

I would appreciate if you can give any hints how to do it.


Welcome to the ConfD Community. I suggest that you take a shot at the MUST logic that you are trying to implement so that the Community might help debug it. The tables are helpful, but there is nothing like the actual YANG with the MUST attempt to help get started.
