Need path for this

can you tell the path for the below schema to get the cluster details?
Also is it possible to get same schema without use of choice ?

the goal is "show system install state " is executed, it should display all components otherwise only component specific (“show system install state cluster”)

augment /oc-sys:system:
    +--rw install
       +--ro state
          +--ro (component)?
             |  +--ro cluster
             |     +--ro cluster* [stage-name]
             |        +--ro stage-name?    string
             |        +--ro status?        install-status-type
             |        +--ro timestamp?     string
             |        +--ro version?       string
             |        +--ro description?   string
                +--ro firmware
                   +--ro firmware* [stage-name]
                      +--ro stage-name?    string
                      +--ro status?        install-status-type
                      +--ro timestamp?     string