Pls how to implement md5 encryption in yang

I have a node that delivers the configuration in the CLI and then displays the md5 encrypted ciphertext.But I can only show plaintext when I use netconf to send it.
This node is now structured like this:

list message-digest-key{
    "Message digest authentication password";
  key "password";
  leaf password{
      "Message digest authentication password";
    type uint32{
    range "1.. 255";
  leaf md5{
    description "Use MD5 algorithm";
   type string;

How can I change it so that it is also md5 ciphertext displayed after NETCONF is delivered.
Thanks for your help.

Hi, and welcome to community.

I can’t say that I fully understand what is actually going over NETCONF, but perhaps you can get an idea of how to proceed with receiving and storing MD5 strings in a YANG from this reference: yang/vendor/cisco/xe/1691/tailf-common.yang at main · YangModels/yang · GitHub for:

typedef md5-digest-string {
    type string;