Possible-completion values are displayed with yang module's prefix

While deleting the configured authentication-mehtod, possible-completion values are displayed with module’s prefix as below:

no system aaa authentication config authentication-method 
Possible completions:
  [  **f5-aaa-ldap:**LDAP_ALL  <cr>

The authentication-method type is deviated as below:

       deviate "replace" {
           type identityref {
              base oc-aaa-types:AAA_METHOD_TYPE;

While configuring authentication-method only LDAP_ALL was given/available, but at the time of deleting configured authentication-method the type is prefixed with the “f5-aaa-ldap:”.

From where this prefix is coming?

Some more information, like YANG snippets describing the authentication-method leaf and the definition for the type used by the leaf, would enable someone to look into the reason for the prefix.

Hi @cohult

The additional authentication-method is defined as:

identity LDAP_ALL {
        base oc-aaa-types:AAA_METHOD_TYPE;
        description "The group of all LDAP servers.";
        tailf:info "The group of all LDAP servers.";

I will try to provide pyang tree for authentication_method leaf.
FYI, I tried with keeping all the authentication-methods at one place in file name-openconfig-aaa-types.yang with prefix name-aaa-types, then the o/p was like this:

no system aaa authentication config authentication-method
Possible completions:

**[ name-aaa-types:LDAP_ALL name-aaa-types:RADIUS_ALL <cr>**

@cohult , Can I please get some help here?

I do not know why the prefix is shown for leaf-lists for the ‘no’ command for identities in other namespaces, and I do not see how to avoid it.