Prevent rpc from being auto-rendered in CLI


I have a RPC in my YANG model that is intended for JSON/RPC & Netconf. I don’t want this RPC to be auto-rendered in CLI under ‘request’ command. Is there any way I can do that?

Using tailf:hidden dont-show-in-cli disables JSON/RPC as well… that is not what I want. I don’t want the option in CLI alone.



the easiest option is to do it at “compile” time - see confdc (ConfD-compiler binary) manual pages, section:

 --export Agent ...

If you need to control it during the runtime, i guess you will need to create some AAA rules that limit accessibility to specific “context” in the /nacm configuration section…

(edit, my suggestion above of course applies only assuming the YANG has no other contents that you do NOT want to hide…)

Hi Josephm,

Compile time option would not work for me. I tried creating AAA rule but that takes effect only if i nuke the config data base (viz. *.cdb). Is there any way to force AAA rule to take effect without nuking the .cdb files?


You only have the set the NACM rule in for example the CLI, log out and log in through SSH or the confd_cli program with the group name provided. Quick example using an “echo” RPC added to the 1-2-3 example:

$ pwd
$ make all start
$ confd_cli -u oper -g oper -J
oper connected from using console
> request <TAB>
Possible completions:
  echo    - my dummy RPC
  job     - Job operations
  message - Send message to terminal of one or all users
  system  - System operations
> config  
Entering configuration mode private
% set <TAB>
Possible completions:
  aaa   - AAA management
  dhcp  - 
  user  - User specific command aliases and default CLI session parameters
  webui - Web UI specific configuration
% exit
> exit

$ confd_cli -u admin -J
admin connected from using console
> request <TAB>
Possible completions:
  aaa     - AAA management
  echo    - my dummy RPC
  job     - Job operations
  message - Send message to terminal of one or all users
  system  - System operations
> config  
Entering configuration mode private
% set nacm rule-list any-group rule noecho rpc-name echo action deny context cli
% move nacm rule-list any-group rule noecho first
% commit
Commit complete.
% exit
> exit
$ confd_cli -u oper -g oper -J
oper connected from using console
> request <TAB>
Possible completions:
  job     - Job operations
  message - Send message to terminal of one or all users
  system  - System operations