Process leafs of list in order

confd server has received multiple leafs of a list those are operational data request from netconf-client like:

 < tx-array-carriers >
      < name > tac-00 < /name >
      < absolute-frequency-center > 30 < /absolute-frequency-center >
      < center-of-channel-bandwidth > 234500 < /center-of-channel-bandwidth >
      < channel-bandwidth> 20000 < /channel-bandwidth >
      < active > ACTIVE < /active >
      < band-number > 5 < /band-number >
      < gain > 8.2 < /gain >
      < downlink-radio-frame-offset > 23 < /downlink-radio-frame-offset >
      < downlink-sfn-offset > 34 < /downlink-sfn-offset >
  < /tx-array-carriers >

I have subscribed to the tx-array-carrier list.
Then is it possible that when i will be processing leaf then i should process the leafs in order.So that active field will be processed at last.
I have differentiating all the leafs inside MOP_VALUE_SET switch statement by CONFD_GET_XMLTAG(leaf).


In any kind of iteration the leafs are iterated in the data-model order. If you need to process leafs in different order, you probably need to cache the values in your state variable and use it once the container iteration is complete.