What is the best approach to check, from the “device” SB side, if the ConfD process is up?
Just trying to connect? or is there a different way to “ping” it via C-API ?
What is the best approach to check, from the “device” SB side, if the ConfD process is up?
Just trying to connect? or is there a different way to “ping” it via C-API ?
You can for example use the DP API health check notification to get a reading. If you just want to do a “one-shot” test, subscribe, wait for a second for the notification with the result, and then unsubscribe.
You can use the examples.confd/misc/notifications example as a reference. Quick demo:
$ pwd
$ make all start
./confd_notifications -i
Waiting for event notifications...
^Cmake: *** [start] Interrupt: 2
$ ./confd_notifications
./confd_notifications usage:
-d (daemon log messages)
-D (developer log messages)
-a (audit log messages)
-N (NETCONF log messages)
-J (JSONRPC log messages)
-W (WEBUI log messages)
-S (SNMP log messages)
-t (takeover mode for syslog)
-u (user session messages)
-i (commit diff messages - iterate over commit diff)
-f (commit failed messages)
-C (confirmed-commit messages)
-P (commit progress messages)
-v 'verbosity' (verbosity for progress messages - enum(normal|verbose|very-verbose|debug))
-h (ha information messages)
-s (subagent messages)
-F (forward information messages)
-U (upgrade event messages)
-A (all of the above)
-H (heartbeat messages)
-e (health check messages)
-c (commit simple messages)
-n 'name' (notification stream event messages for stream 'name')
-y (make audit log synchronous)
-Y (make ha info synchronous)
-r (request confirmation before sync reply)
-T 'interval' (interval for heartbeat / health check in seconds)
-B 'time' (start time for notification stream - yang:date-and-time form)
-E 'time' (stop time for notification stream - yang:date-and-time form)
-x 'filter' (XPath filter for notification stream)
-z 'usid' (User session id for AAA restriction on notification stream)
-p 'port' (connect to ConfD at 'port')
$ ./confd_notifications -T 1 -e
Waiting for event notifications...
tick health check
tick health check
tick health check