Proxy Forwarding Example Confd


For our business, we have two netconf servers, First is responsible for user-related configurations and second is for all device configurations. We don’t have direct access to second one. So there is synchronization issue between two netconf servers and we saw that proxy forwarding maybe solve our problem.(Please see Confd User Guide 7.6 Chapter 19.16 Proxy Forwarding Capability). We want to understand how this capability work.

To give an example case, we want to modify a configuration from UI and we want to update both servers’ cdb. If device configuration is changed we want to notify first server also to make the same change.

For implementation, do we need definitions inside yang models of proxy/target? Are there any examples like in examples.confd folder?

The distribution does not contain an example, unfortunately. But there is a full user guide chapter dedicated to subagents and proxies, named aptly “Subagents and Proxies” - subagent is what you will need for implementing proxy forwarding. It contains something quite close to a full-fledged example.

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