i have use case in which i need to override the current config with the initial config which we used as init file to initialise the cdb. For doing this i have used maapi.load_config(self._msock, self.thandle,(maapi.CONFIG_XML | maapi.CONFIG_UNHIDE_ALL), init_cfg), but it seems that this API is doing a replace operation and deleting only part of config which is present in the file, user guide doc says if we don’t specify any flag like merge/replace it will delete all the config.
You are correct that without specifying the merge/replace flags, it should delete everything. I can see that with a quick test and confd_load -l and confd_load -l -m my_cfg.xml. Is there anything special about the configuration that is not being deleted or the permissions of the application making this call?
No, there isn’t anything special about the config(it is openconfig-vlan.yang) and the application is running as root.
i don’t see any set-hooks also being invoked for the config which is not getting deleted.
all the other config which references this config via a leafref is also getting deleted.
is there anything different in python AP, my application is python based ?