Regarding URL capability


i want to delete my candidate datastore using delete-config by providing URL.

So what must be the content of the XML file that is placed in the remote location??

You mean like in this topic?

The XML file contain the config that you want to delete.

hi cohult,

First of all, delete-config operation deletes the entire datastore or we can delete specific config as well???
Because as per RFC, it mentions entire datastore:

RFC 6241

Description: Delete a configuration datastore. The
configuration datastore cannot be deleted.

You will with the below commands delete the config file itself , here the “my-config.xml” file, not the ConfD CDB datastore config:

delete-config file:


delete-config ftp server file:


i want to delete my candidate datastore using delete-config by providing URL.

From the ConfD UG:

For the <delete-config> operation specified in RFC 4741 / RFC 6241, only <url> with scheme “file” is supported for the <target> parameter - i.e. no data stores can be deleted. The concept of deleting a data store is not well defined, and at odds with the transaction-based configuration management of ConfD. To delete the entire contents of a data store, with full transactional support, a <copy-config> with an empty <config/> element for the <source> parameter can be used.

So you want to do something like this:
